Buzos rusos encontraron este martes en un lago un fragmento de entre 300 y 500 kilos del meteorito que cayó a mediados de febrero pasado cerca de la ciudad de Cheliábinsk, en los Urales. "Dicho en lenguaje llano, lo hemos cazado. Ahora, sólo falta traerlo hasta la orilla. En el lago hay grandes olas, por lo que izarlo directamente es técnicamente difícil y arriesgado", aseguró Nikolái Murzin, director general de la compañía Aleut de trabajos especiales, a la agencia Interfax. Murzin explicó que ahora están remolcando el trozo de meteorito hasta la orilla del lago Chebarkul y que la operación de izado de la gran roca tendrá lugar mañana, miércoles. Los buceadores han sacado hasta ahora 12 rocas del lago, cinco de las cuales han sido identificadas como trozos del cuerpo celestial que causó el 15 de febrero el pánico entre los habitantes de la zona. Los científicos han advertido a la población contra la "recogida indiscriminada" de los restos del meteorito Hasta ahora, según las autoridades locales, el fragmento más grande rescatado del meteorito bautizado Cheliábinsk pesa sólo 4,74 kilos. Desde un primer momento, los científicos aseguraron que el trozo más grande del meteorito se encontraba en el fondo del lago helado de Chebarkul, donde la caída del objeto espacial dejó un gran agujero. Los científicos han advertido a la población contra la "recogida indiscriminada" de los restos del meteorito, ya que les priva de un valioso material de investigación sobre la historia del Universo. Según los geólogos, el meteorito contiene en su mayor parte minerales de silicatos como el olivino y el ortopiroxeno, además de sulfuro de hierro y níquel, y, en menor medida, cromo, clinopiroxeno y plagioclasas. El estudio de los meteoritos es crucial para la reconstrucción de las etapas iniciales del sistema solar, ya que esos cuerpos astrales incluyen los componentes a partir de los que fueron creados originalmente los planetas. El meteorito, que causó más de 1.500 heridos en la región, 319 de ellos niños, tenía según la NASA una masa de hasta 10.000 toneladas en el momento de estallar en la atmósfera, por lo que es el mayor que ha caído sobre la Tierra desde 1908.
Ver más en: http://www.20minutos.es/noticia/1948646/0/meteorito-ruso/fragmento/lago/#xtor=AD-15&xts=467263
Last Time; Russian Meteor Located on Lake, 500 kg. weight.
Russian divers found Tuesday in a lake a fragment of between 300 and 500 kilos of meteorite that fell to the middle of February near the city of Chelyabinsk in the Urals . "Put in plain language , we have hunted. Now , just need to bring it to shore. On the lake there are large waves , so we hoisted directly is technically difficult and dangerous," said Nikolai Murzin , company CEO job Aleut special , told Interfax . Murzin said they are now towing the piece of meteorite to the shore of Lake Chebarkul and that the operation of hoisting the big rock will take place tomorrow , Wednesday . Divers have pulled so far 12 Rocks Lake , five of which have been identified as celestial body pieces on February 15 caused panic among the locals . Scientists have warned the public against " indiscriminate collection " of the remains of the meteorite so far , according to local authorities , the largest fragment rescued from Chelyabinsk baptized meteorite weighs just 4.74 kilos . From the outset , the scientists said the largest piece of the meteorite was in the bottom of the frozen lake Chebarkul , where the fall of object left a big hole. Scientists have warned the public against " indiscriminate collection " of the remains of the meteorite , as it deprives them of a valuable research material on the history of the Universe . According to geologists , the meteorite contains mostly silicate minerals such as olivine and orthopyroxene besides iron sulfide and nickel, and to a lesser extent chromium clinopiroxeno and plagioclase . The study of meteorites is crucial for the reconstruction of the initial stages of the solar system , as these astral bodies include the components from which the planets were originally created . The meteorite , which caused more than 1,500 injured in the region , 319 of them children, according to NASA had a mass of 10,000 tonnes at the time of bursting into the atmosphere , making it the largest that has fallen to earth from 1908.
Ver más en: http://www.20minutos.es/noticia/1948646/0/meteorito-ruso/fragmento/lago/#xtor=AD-15&xts=467263
Last Time; Russian Meteor Located on Lake, 500 kg. weight.
Russian divers found Tuesday in a lake a fragment of between 300 and 500 kilos of meteorite that fell to the middle of February near the city of Chelyabinsk in the Urals . "Put in plain language , we have hunted. Now , just need to bring it to shore. On the lake there are large waves , so we hoisted directly is technically difficult and dangerous," said Nikolai Murzin , company CEO job Aleut special , told Interfax . Murzin said they are now towing the piece of meteorite to the shore of Lake Chebarkul and that the operation of hoisting the big rock will take place tomorrow , Wednesday . Divers have pulled so far 12 Rocks Lake , five of which have been identified as celestial body pieces on February 15 caused panic among the locals . Scientists have warned the public against " indiscriminate collection " of the remains of the meteorite so far , according to local authorities , the largest fragment rescued from Chelyabinsk baptized meteorite weighs just 4.74 kilos . From the outset , the scientists said the largest piece of the meteorite was in the bottom of the frozen lake Chebarkul , where the fall of object left a big hole. Scientists have warned the public against " indiscriminate collection " of the remains of the meteorite , as it deprives them of a valuable research material on the history of the Universe . According to geologists , the meteorite contains mostly silicate minerals such as olivine and orthopyroxene besides iron sulfide and nickel, and to a lesser extent chromium clinopiroxeno and plagioclase . The study of meteorites is crucial for the reconstruction of the initial stages of the solar system , as these astral bodies include the components from which the planets were originally created . The meteorite , which caused more than 1,500 injured in the region , 319 of them children, according to NASA had a mass of 10,000 tonnes at the time of bursting into the atmosphere , making it the largest that has fallen to earth from 1908.
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